What we do.

Brand strategy

Whether it is facilitating a brand workshop or being part of the team, Quite Frankely’s ability to extract the necessary and most compelling information during these sessions has led to the creation of successful brand strategy and positioning projects across a variety of business sectors.


Account Management

With over 20 plus years account management experience Quite Frankely has as an abundance of knowledge and skill working for design agencies in Melbourne and London.


Name generation

What’s in a name? Everything. With the brand strategy and clients’ business objectives firmly top of mind, the naming process needs to be straight forward and creative in equal measures. A name that is authentic, memorable, easy to say, resonates and has cut through is ideal.


Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing - it has changed the way we view and consume brands and businesses. It gives us insights that we never had access to before - and as consumers, we expect it (we demand it even!!)